


同时写论文也不单单是大学教授的事,每一位一线兽医都应参与其中,积极主动学习收集分享医学知识,这样才能推动整个兽医行业的前进。因此,ESAVS欧洲兽医高级学院在举办线上优质课程的同时,结合多位老师,包括Dr. Hans Koch 和 Prof. Dr. David Llyod以及其他学科老师的意见,决定全面引进国际权威兽医杂志和各种国际指南(Guidelines)。由于论文全文内容太多,目前我们尚不具备全文翻译的能力,我们暂定仅翻译杂志目录和摘要,同时也会选择性全文翻译一些特别好的论文和指南。


接下来介绍我们首次引进的Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine (JVIM 兽医内科学杂志),JVIM创刊于1987年,双月刊,至今已出版至第32卷第5期,可谓是国际最顶级的兽医内科学杂志,兽医内科医生必看,我们欧兽内科学两位课程负责人Michael Willard 和 Eric Zini正是该杂志的合作编辑。而且该杂志已有app上架,感兴趣的小伙伴可以去APP STORE下载。

Overview 概述

Journal Mission Statement: The mission of the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine is to advance veterinary medical knowledge and improve the lives of animals by publication of authoritative scientific articles of animal diseases.
杂志使命:Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine(兽医内科学杂志)的使命是通过发表关于动物疾病的权威科学文章来推动兽医内科学的发展以及改善动物生活。

The Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, the Official Publication of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, provides an international forum for communication and discussion of the latest developments in large and small animal:
Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine(兽医内科学杂志),美国兽医内科学院官方杂志,为大动物和小动物的以下学科提供国际交流和讨论平台:

Cardiology 心脏病学
Neurology 神经学
Oncology 肿瘤学
Endocrinology 内分泌学
Gastroenterology 胃肠病学
Hematology 血液学
Hepatology 肝病学
Immunology 免疫学
infectious disease 传染病
nephrology/urology 肾脏学/泌尿学
nutrition/metabolism 营养/代谢
Pharmacology 药理学
Respiratory disease 呼吸道疾病
Theriogenology 动物生殖学
Epidemiology 流行病学
muscle disease 肌肉疾病

Aims and Scope 目标和范围

Journal Mission Statement 杂志使命

The mission of the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine is to advance veterinary medical knowledge and improve the lives of animals by publication of authoritative scientific articles of animal diseases.

Readership 读者

Manuscript Review 原稿审查

All manuscripts are reviewed by experts in the field who advise the editors of the manuscript's scientific quality. Decisions regarding publication are made by the Co-Editors-in-Chief acting on the advice of reviewers and Associate Editors.

Society Information 协会信息

The Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine is the official publication of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, the European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, the European College of Veterinary Neurology, and the European College of Equine Internal Medicine. 
Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine (兽医内科学杂志)是American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine(美国兽医内科学院)、European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine(欧洲兽医神经学学院)和European College of Equine Internal Medicine(欧洲马内科学院)的官方杂志。

September/October 2018
Volime 32